Και ναι!, κλείνει αισίως ο κύκλος των παρουσιάσεών μου περί του μαθήματος Μελοποίησης Κειμένου με την παρακάτω εργασία. :) Η συγκεκριμένη είναι μια σαλάτα όλων των προηγούμενων εργασιών-τεχνικών όπως σας είχα υποσχεθεί (αφήγηση, τραγούδι, φωνές σε διαφορετικά επίπεδα, τονική και ατονική μουσική, κλπ..) και δεν έχω να πω πολλά, πέραν του ότι το κείμενο είναι πάλι μια επιλογή μιας ιστοριούλας που είχα γράψει τους παλιούς καλούς καιρούς, αν και δεν είναι αυτούσιο, (original εδώ) έχει υποστεί κάποιες μικροαλλαγές για τις χρονικές ανάγκες της εργασίας.. ^^ Α! Και επίσης το κείμενο είναι στ' Αγγλικά. Αυτά τα λίγα, καλή ακρόαση λοιπόν. :)
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That night I couldn't sleep.. Just like every night.. You know, sometime ago I had dreams.. Dreams of things I wanted to do, things I wanted to become.. Just like you and all of you. Dreams that I don't even remember now.. Well, I was too tired 'cause it was a long, hard day, but I couldn't sleep at all so I went out for a walk.. These thoughts inside my mind are feeding the pain and it gets harder and harder to pass through it every night I go to bed. Alone.. In my lonely room, in my lonely house, in my lonesome way of livin'.. I don't know what's going on, I can't tell the reasons why, but I know, I know something's wrong..
I didn't care where I was going to, I couldn't think so I left my legs lead the way.. And all of a sudden, as I was walking and looking the stars in the saddest sky I had ever seen, I heard a strange voice at the end of the street coming out from a black door.. "Where am I? And what is this place?" I thought.. I went to check it out, not because I really wanted to know, but that thing gave at least a small reason in my endless and painful day.. "I have nothin' to lose, no one's waiting for me, no one cares so there's nothing to worry about" were the words that made me go on..
Only seven chairs, nine sad faces and a lamp were filling the dark room behind the small black door.. They had made a circle and they were sharing their life problems. Most of them were sick or somethin'.. A young man was sitting on the floor, the others on the chairs and another man was standing in front of the lamp saying: "I look around this room and I see a lot of courage and that gives me strength. We give strength to each other"..
I once had dreams just like you and all you
Dreams of things that I wanted to do, to become
Dreams that I dont even remember now
So I'm asking why?
Then he stopped his speech and looked at me when I walked in and said: "Come in stranger. We're having a little discussion here, you can join us if you want.".. I stayed for a while, but it wasn't exactly what I expected.. Nothing unusual, nothing strange.. Close to nothing at all to say the truth.. Everyone's pretending that wants to hear you and that makes you feel that you're not alone. But their ears are closed. They're just waiting for their turn to speak and open up themselves 'cause that makes them feel better. Every single one's got a story to tell, but who's gonna hear it? Who cares?.. It's just an illusion... The circle of pretenders. You could see a river of tears having their own party in this room.. I've had enough of such things these days so that wasn't for me, I couldn't stand it anymore. I don't even know why I stayed.. I left this sick place and walked my way back home..
Who are you? Who are you? Tell me... Who are you?
1 pair of whispering words,
4 excuses,
2 disappointing moments,
66 thoughts drowned inside,
3 tears from the future,
7 tones from the present,
33 forgotten memories,
1 red question mark.. Myself.. -fragile-
Suddenly it started to rain. I froze and thought of my life for a moment.. Nothing special, nothing's changed.. Everyday the same old story, the same puppets killing their time out there.. The same days, the same feelings.. Even the same cold rain...
Finally I reached my silent, poor place. Everything was there just as I left them.. The only thing that changed was the time on the clock.. Time never stops, never waits.. And when I slowly closed the door behind me I thought: "I wish something different would come up from all of this.. This big nothing... I wish tomorrow would bring something special in this house...
I didn't care where I was going to, I couldn't think so I left my legs lead the way.. And all of a sudden, as I was walking and looking the stars in the saddest sky I had ever seen, I heard a strange voice at the end of the street coming out from a black door.. "Where am I? And what is this place?" I thought.. I went to check it out, not because I really wanted to know, but that thing gave at least a small reason in my endless and painful day.. "I have nothin' to lose, no one's waiting for me, no one cares so there's nothing to worry about" were the words that made me go on..
Only seven chairs, nine sad faces and a lamp were filling the dark room behind the small black door.. They had made a circle and they were sharing their life problems. Most of them were sick or somethin'.. A young man was sitting on the floor, the others on the chairs and another man was standing in front of the lamp saying: "I look around this room and I see a lot of courage and that gives me strength. We give strength to each other"..
I once had dreams just like you and all you
Dreams of things that I wanted to do, to become
Dreams that I dont even remember now
So I'm asking why?
Then he stopped his speech and looked at me when I walked in and said: "Come in stranger. We're having a little discussion here, you can join us if you want.".. I stayed for a while, but it wasn't exactly what I expected.. Nothing unusual, nothing strange.. Close to nothing at all to say the truth.. Everyone's pretending that wants to hear you and that makes you feel that you're not alone. But their ears are closed. They're just waiting for their turn to speak and open up themselves 'cause that makes them feel better. Every single one's got a story to tell, but who's gonna hear it? Who cares?.. It's just an illusion... The circle of pretenders. You could see a river of tears having their own party in this room.. I've had enough of such things these days so that wasn't for me, I couldn't stand it anymore. I don't even know why I stayed.. I left this sick place and walked my way back home..
Who are you? Who are you? Tell me... Who are you?
1 pair of whispering words,
4 excuses,
2 disappointing moments,
66 thoughts drowned inside,
3 tears from the future,
7 tones from the present,
33 forgotten memories,
1 red question mark.. Myself.. -fragile-
Suddenly it started to rain. I froze and thought of my life for a moment.. Nothing special, nothing's changed.. Everyday the same old story, the same puppets killing their time out there.. The same days, the same feelings.. Even the same cold rain...
Finally I reached my silent, poor place. Everything was there just as I left them.. The only thing that changed was the time on the clock.. Time never stops, never waits.. And when I slowly closed the door behind me I thought: "I wish something different would come up from all of this.. This big nothing... I wish tomorrow would bring something special in this house...