30 Νοεμβρίου 2024

FOMO is fake

And so he walked by himself for some time, successfully getting away from all that spirited square noise. It's so hard for him to listen to his thoughts with so many distractions. Looking around he figured out that these dark narrow streets would be his salvation. Therefore he followed them.

"So, if there's no actual purpose...",
he thought,
"...if there's nothing we must understand or reach at some certain point,
then, I guess,
this means there are no fixed deadlines to meet;
no right or late paths to take.
There are no experiences we must live;
while at the same time every experience is welcome.
And if there are no experiences we must live, that means there are no experiences we must not lose.

Steps and thought process continues...

"Every choice leads to an experience and every experience inevitably creates a path.
And, if all these are correct, every path is equally fine.
FOMO is fake!
", he realized and offered himself a wide laugh.

"There is no fear of missing anything out, once you understand there's nothing to miss.
We could only miss something if there were certain things we should experience.
If there are no pre-fixed, specific experiences to live, how could we ever miss them?

He immediately turned around and started walking towards the square streetlights. Soon enough he saw his company right where he left them. He looked at the clear sky for a moment.

"I wonder if there's beer on the sun", he asked himself and continued his walk, cracking a smile of unexplainable relief.

31 Οκτωβρίου 2024


Making mistakes in life is okay, they say. You learn how to make it right the next time, they say. You eventually become better and better through learning from your mistakes. And that seems to be pretty true. But I figured out there's more to it. The practical part of conquering the "how-to" is definitely there, but I realized there's more value to the "try-and-fail" process.

The moment you make a mistake your ego is challenged. You may feel weak, incapable, worse than the others.

You may feel small.

The moment you make a mistake there's your opportunity to understand that we all need help sometimes; we all need each other. Depending on the mistake, you might end up needing someone's knowledge, support, nursing, encouragement, wisdom, or many other things.

Like your 80-years old grandparent or your 5-years old child, you can't do everything by yourself and, at the same time, you can't know whose help you're going to need the next moment...

You see, a mistake has the power to make you feel humble while a success hides the risk of feeding your arrogance. Success is just the hallmark of you having passed through a series of mistakes and failures. Success is just the receipt of your hard work, and the approved ticket to move on to your next series of mistakes.

I don't say start seeking being mistaken over and over again. All I'm saying is, embrace your non-perfect nature. Nobody is born knowing. Observe, apply, evaluate, retry; that's the process, repeated as many times as needed, until we finally know.

30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Ιεραρχία Αναγκών

Τελικά, όλα μας τα "θέλω" και τα "χρειάζομαι" υπακούν σε μια ιεραρχία που η ίδια η φύση έχει ορίσει για εμάς. Μας έβγαλε απ' τον κόπο, αφήνοντάς μας χωρίς επιλογή· τα πράγματα απλά "έτσι είναι".

Όλοι έχουμε ανάγκη για κοινωνική ζωή· να κάνουμε φίλους, να φλερτάρουμε. Σε καμία περίπτωση, όμως, το μυαλό δεν προλαβαίνει να ασχοληθεί με αυτά, όταν η ανάγκη τής επιβίωσης είναι στο προσκήνιο. Πρώτα πρέπει να εξασφαλίσεις ότι έχεις να φας, ένα ασφαλές μέρος να κοιμηθείς και τέλος, δυο ρούχα να ντυθείς. Αν αυτά είναι εξασφαλισμένα, ξαφνικά έχεις την ανάγκη να ερωτευτείς, να παίξεις και να απολαύσεις τον κόσμο τριγύρω σου, να χαρείς και να εξερευνήσεις· τον κόσμο, τους ανθρώπους, εσένα... Και τότε έχεις την ανάγκη να φιλοσοφήσεις, να εκφραστείς μέσα από τις τέχνες και να δημιουργήσεις. Έχεις την ανάγκη να δώσεις εξήγηση για τα πάντα και να βάλεις παντού ταμπέλες. Και πάει λέγοντας...

Όσο καλύπτουμε τα βασικά πάμε παρακάτω. Και όσο καλύπτουμε περισσότερα από τα παρακάτω τόσο πιο πολύ προχωράμε σ' αυτήν τη σκάλα, η οποία μεταμορφώνεται από αποχρώσεις του "χρειάζομαι" σε φωτεινά χρώματα του "θέλω".

Όμως, κάπου στην πορεία αυτής της πανδαισίας χρωμάτων, φίλε άνθρωπε, ξέχασες εντελώς τι πραγματικά έχεις ανάγκη· σταμάτησες να εκτιμάς τα "χρειάζομαι", σαν να είναι κάτι αυτονόητο. Κάπου έγινε κάποιο λάθος και πλέον τα πιο δευτερεύοντα "θέλω" έχουν λάβει την πιο σημαντική θέση τής σκάλας. Και αν θυμάσαι ακόμα τι πάει να πει θέλω...