Joe Cocker has passed away. Aged 70 after a battle with lung cancer.
Όλοι ένας ένας παίρνουνε σειρά λοιπόν.. Μαζεύονται εκεί πέρα, εκεί πάνω, μακριά, για τις ατελείωτες πια συναυλίες.. Κι εμείς μένουμε εδώ, με τις μουσικές τους ν' "ακούμε" ιστορία...
Πριν κάτι μέρες, την Κυριακή 21.12 ένας ακόμα μεγάλος κύκλος έκλεισε. Ο Joe Cocker έβαλε την τελεία του ενάντια στη μάχη με τον καρκίνο. Ηττημένος, αλλά στις καρδιές μας πάντα νικητής..
McCartney said: I was especially pleased when he decided to cover With A
Little Help From My Friends and I remember him and (producer) Denny
Cordell coming round to the studio in Savile Row and playing me what
they'd recorded and it was just mind-blowing, totally turned the song
into a soul anthem and I was forever grateful for him for doing that.
I knew him through the years as a good mate and I was so sad to hear that he had been ill and really sad to hear today that he had passed away.
I knew him through the years as a good mate and I was so sad to hear that he had been ill and really sad to hear today that he had passed away.
He was a great guy, a lovely guy who brought so much to the world and we'll all miss him."
. . .
"Ο θάνατος δε σέβεται κανέναν, δεν έχει αξίες..
Στα μάτια του είμαστε όλοι ίσοι.."